I discovered this game for the first time at GenCon 08 with his author and Gabriel Ecoutin Pascaline, now recognized for its ability to imitate Maite . Thibault and I were packed from the first part: the game is fun, simple to explain and allows players to play as non-players. And today, with the slow and gradual extinction of the players of games, it makes the game ryhtme Boulet and more attractive. You'll find comments on TricTrac clear that dismantle the game because they think it is a pale copy of a game like "caps". I found for myself that it is not doing justice to the work of illustrating Olivier Fagnère The characters are colorful, crazy and funny!
What we can blame the game, it's life that may become invalid if you play regularly with the same people. And for that, I suggest you follow these tips after a bitter ten parts:
- The rhythm is dictated by the meatballs. Thus, it is "hot potato", it will type in his hands and his legs so fast that it will lose itself. It will be the only one laughing at having been lost! Dedicated to special-case Jeanjean!
- Remove the rule that necessarily requires us to call someone else. It's much more fun when you and remember that everyone wondered who owns that sign and remember that behind someone else. Imparrable! To complicate
- a little while, play with the expert rule and give you the name of your partner left. Thus, instead of responding to Fr (my name) I answered that Erwan example.

PS: I won a place in the World Game by Gorthyn . Chui too happy!