Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How Get Appointment Confirmation Id Again
Useful information on the recent arrests and detentions by the departments of the KGB of Belarus: see
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Does Scorpio Guy Like Cute Notes
Vigil Day Christmas
18.30 Vespers followed by the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil
Readings of the Liturgy: Hb. 1.1-12 - Lk. 2.1 to 20
Saturday, December 25
Christmas, Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
10:00: Matins followed by Divine Liturgy of John Chrysostom
Readings of the Liturgy: 4.4 to 7 Ga. - 2.1 to 12 Mt
To continue the celebration Christmas (25/12, Noon), those who wish may stay at the church and share a lunch feast. Those who wish may make foods and drinks to share.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Meilna Velba And Lena
Saturday, December 4
18.00 Vigils
Sunday, December 5th 10:30 am: Divine Liturgy (10:00: Preparation of donations)
28th Sunday, 3 Ton, 6th éothinon Col. 1.12-18-Lk. Saturday, December 11 from 14.16 to 24
18.00 Vigils
Sunday, December 12
Sunday Holy Ancestors of Christ
10:30 Divine Liturgy (10.00 Preparation grants)
29th Sunday, Ton 4, 7th éothinon Col. 3.4 to 11, Lk. Saturday, December 18 from 14.16 to 24
18.00 Vigils
Sunday, December 19 Sunday of the Genealogy of Christ
10h30: Divine Liturgy (10:00 Preparation grants)
30th Sunday, 5 Ton, 8 th éothinon,, Hb. 11.9 to 10; 17-40 - Mt from 1.1 to 25
Friday, December 24 Vigil of Christmas
18.30 Vespers followed by the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil
Readings of the Liturgy: Hb. 1.1-12 - Lk. Saturday, December 25 from 2.1 to 20
Christmas Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
10:00 am: Matins followed by Divine Liturgy of John Chrysostom
Readings of the Liturgy: 4.4 to 7 Ga. - Mt
2.1 to 12 (NB No vigils Sunday, tonight) Sunday
December 26
Saints David, Jacques and Joseph's parents Lord
10.30: Divine Liturgy (10:00 Preparation grants)
31st Sunday, 6 Ton, 9 th éothinon, Ga. 1.11-19-2.13-23 Mt Saturday, 1 January
18.00 Vigils
Sunday, January 2
10:30 Div. Liturgy (10.00 Preparation donations) + Moleben
New Year 32nd Sunday, 7 Ton, 10th éothinon, 2Ti. 4,5-8 - Mc. Wednesday, January 5 from 1.1 to 8
10:00: read time royal
18.30: Eve of Theophany (Liturgy of St. Basil) + Blessing of Water
Readings of the Liturgy: Tt. 2.11 to 14, 3.4-7 - Mt from 3.13 to 17
Thursday, January 6 Epiphany, Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ
10:00 am: Matins and Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Saturday, January 8
18.00 Vigils
Sunday, January 9
10:30 Divine Liturgy and blessing of water (10.00: Preparation of donations)
33rd Sunday, 8 Ton, 11th éothinon, Ep from 4.7 to 13 - from 4.12 to 17 Mt
Friday, December 3, 2010
Reverse Application Nails
The Exarchate Sheet No. 30, December 2010, is available at the following address:
And for the first version (abridged) is also available in English:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Kijiji Calgary Brazilian Waxing
The next sessions of catechesis for children and adolescents will
place Sunday November 14,
November 28 and December 12,
from 9:30 pm.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
John Deere Snowmobile Parts List
Monday, November 1, 2010, feast of the patron saints of our parish, Divine Liturgy begins at 10:00.
It will be chaired by our Archbishop, Bishop Gabriel, who came specially from Paris.
Participating in the celebration of the faithful and priests from other Orthodox parishes, Belgium and abroad.
After the liturgy, the whole congregation is invited to the lunch feast, the premises of the parish.
We encourage you to take this opportunity to meet with our Archbishop and members of other parishes.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Building A Vanity Unit
For those who would not current interest is a congress organized by the Acer-MJO, on the testimony of the Church today .
The keynote speaker is a Moscow priest, Father Pierre Mechtcherinov.
Although the Acer-MJO is, above all, a youth movement, the congress which is organized is not confined to one age group: all ages are welcome!
Information or from the father Christopher
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Nadine Jensen And Milena Velba
resume catechesis for children and adolescents, from Sunday, October 31, 2010, 9:30 pm.
All are welcome, members of the parish or not.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Best Of Nubile World
resume discussion circles, from Wednesday, October 6, from 19:00 to 20:30.
The meetings begin with an evening prayer, and are open to all members of the parish or not.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Can Drinking Alcohol Mess You Period Up
The last two numbers of the Exarchate Sheet are available online:
No. 26 - Summer 2010
No. 27 - September 2010
The first issues are downloadable from the page Next .
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Proper Curtain Holdback Placement
As it has happened in the past, we have the joy of welcoming the faithful Orthodox parish of the Holy Archangels (Düsseldorf, Germany), under the leadership of Father Peter Sonntag, Friday 17 and Saturday, September 18, 2010.
The precise schedule of the meeting will be published shortly, but already book the dates!
the morning of Saturday, in particular, we celebrate the baptism of Gery, during the Divine Liturgy concelebrated with the faithful in Düsseldorf.
Where To Buy Sirdar In Toronto
regular celebrations of our parish have included:
-Saturdays, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. vigils
-Sundays, Divine Liturgy from 10.00
Happy New Year to ecclesiastic all!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What Are The Answers To The Wards Ap Bio Lab 5
On 21 June, in Paris, Kyna and I have been fortunate to attend the press screening the film adaptation of the third component (in VOSTF) of our favorite saga: "Twilight - Chapter 3: hesitation "or" Eclipse ", directed by David Slade.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Struts On Jeep Liberty
Here are two texts that we read and comment together in circles on Wednesday evening.
If you are interested in (e) appointment on Wednesday, 9, 16 and June 23, 2010, from 19:00 to 20:30.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Gallery Nadine Jansen And Milena Velba
Evening Support Project
"Madagascar 2010"
Saturday 5 June 2010 19:00
At Irene Papachantzi
26 Avenue of Klauwaert
(the ponds of Ixelles)
1050 Brussels
The funds raised will be used to organize a summer camp for children in the Orthodox Mission in Madagascar in July 2010.
- Varied buffet (sweet and salty)
- bar (first drink is free)
- Tombola and projection images
with music from around the world
(live and DJ)
Price: 10 € (minimum)
Entries available at:
Irene: 0472 May 17, 2006
Thursday, June 3, 2010
427 Cc Sliverado Concept
Every Wednesday until the end of June, a discussion circle is held from 19:00 to 20:30.
Theme for the month of June: the Epistle to the Ephesians of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, Bishop of Antioch (2nd century).
Information from the father Christopher.
What Pipe Do I Need For My Gokart
Dates next (and last) sessions of catechesis for children, before the summer holidays:
Sunday, June 6, 9:30
Sunday, June 13, 9:30 am and walk after the divine liturgy
Information from the catechists.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Cover Letter For Store Sale
As you can see below, our parish was represented at the recent General Assembly of the clerical-secular Archdiocese which we note in Paris.
Those who want to talk to our Delegate secular Jacqueline Andrew, are welcome, after the liturgy of Sunday, May 30
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The Ordinary General Assembly of the Archdiocese held in Paris on 30 April & 1 st May. For our Parish of the Holy Trinity of Saints Cosmas & Damian & we were 2 representatives: Father Christopher and myself (as a lay delegate).
This important gathering took place at the premises of the Institute of St. Sergius I discovered, at the same time in these beautiful spring days: anything that looked like a tree or a bush was in bloom ... to start, right out of the subway, by plane streets and boulevards that looked like huge purple candle!
We were more than 260 people, members and representatives of various parishes of the Exarchate, from so many different countries of Western Europe.
The hall was buzzing silence at the appointed time (14.30) for the opening Moleben (ah, the beautiful voice of Russian basses ...).
The first speech was that of Monsignor Gabriel report but also his moral "activity report" and it is difficult to imagine the amount of work, travel, tasks assumed by our Bishop. His greatest desire would be able to visit more often each parish! Monsignor Gabriel has also repeatedly expressed his need to have (soon, hopefully it) on using an auxiliary bishop. May our ardent prayers to support him in this project!
What changes in the diocese in a few months: new communities and parishes (in England, Norway, Italy, ...) served by many newly ordained priests and deacons. Our bishop has stated: one of its fundamental goals is to strengthen the priests: that each parish, each community has a priest! Difficulties were also mentioned, including the trials endured by the parishes of Biarritz and Nice; financial and human needs were recalled, call the support and assistance of people available were launched. Yes "the harvest is great," Bishop has reminded us, "But the workers (are) few" (as Christ tells us in the Gospel).
Some strong words of our Bishop, gleaned from those he has lavished:
- the diocese is the basic entity which performs Church of Christ, his only president (elected for life) is the bishop;
- the priest is the bishop's delegate, he acts with his blessing, He is chairman of the religious association of his parish (he is not elected by the parish).
- is the diocese that gave birth to the parishes.
- In Parish, everything is spiritual, the big problem is the unwillingness to engage the laity, become a true member, that is to say, "being responsible".
- must give emphasis to new entrants (whether immigrant or not), they may take without imposing, they are not consumers but "actors" in the parish.
Our bishop said the diocese is not a "sinking ship, far from it! The purpose of the Archdiocese is to build the unified local Orthodox Church, and so: missionary. With love (which means loyalty and obedience) and perseverance.
Other activity reports were presented at the meeting for approval, and among them Michel Sologub was an account of the activity of the Council and the Diocesan Administration over the past 3 years, Alexander read out Victoroff (predictor) of the financial report, Father Rene Boulet communicated approval Accounts by the Audit Commission, Father Cernokrak drew the current panorama of the Institut Saint Serge.
So there was all that "material fact" in such a meeting, but there was more: the relevance of the questions posed by participants and the quality of debate ! These trade is made in careful listening, with restraint and dignity necessary to maintain respect for the views and sensitivities of each (e). Because there are still many outstanding issues that participants most daring (or small) have discussed, such as "we have become servants to the people of the countries in which we live, and not to those we've come ... Dare we go further and exceed our Russianness, "" Go to the bottom line is to follow Christ: dare to become the Church of Christ "...
And of course there were the votes, the election of the various delegates, after each of them ran as he saw fit. Quiet, good mood, method, each "rotating" (with oral use of each voter who put his ballot into a collection of baskets) was effected as a ballet of names, which allowed to associate each of those This in the face of the person called. The meeting ended with even some 8 minutes ahead of schedule ...
However, the great "moments of grace" were the two offices: the Vigil on Friday evening (again, the powerful harmony of the male chorus) and especially the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning. Concelebrated by Bishop Gabriel, six priests, two deacons and all the People Royal, which was expressed in (almost) as many languages as those representing the participants in this Assembly: A Liturgy (almost) European dimensions, performing a ecumenism as "intra-Orthodox." The breakfast that followed, and the meal mid-day on Saturday, were real treats: festive tables, service impeccably performed by students at the Institut Saint Serge, warm exchanges between the participant (s), peace and joy on so many faces!
I'll leave the last words of our Dear Bishop who finished two beautiful days in words that are much denser powerful invitations to all of us. For priests, he told them "We are priests every day of the week, encouraging them to deepen their priestly life; deacons:" Your obedience is an example to parishioners " ;; lay people: "You celebrate together with the clergy, I invite you to agree to share responsibility and make a commitment to parish."
In short, my lord we sought to translate into action what he had proclaimed in his opening statement as the only (important) task of the Archdiocese: "Celebrating Our God and witness to Him. "
Jacqueline Andrew, lay delegate from the parish of Holy Trinity and Saints Cosmas and Damien in Brussels (Belgium).
Friday, April 30, 2010
Rotating Tree Stand Wires Get Tangled
Dates of sessions of catechesis for the month of May 2010:
-Sunday, May 9, 2010, from 9:30
-Sunday, May 23, 2010, from 9.30 (in conjunction with the festival Parish Pentecost)
More information from the father of Christopher or catechists
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Orangemetal Core Wheels

It was about 2:15 p.m. when I get to the fields. I had to release a bogus excuse so I can leave 15 minutes earlier courses! So I come before the Orange shop where I manage to sneak in with some members TA / ST (street team twilight France)
Pending the arrival of Mister Lautner I went to see Meliko , analice (waiting already from 11.30) and the rest of TA that were before us in the queue and blah blah blah ... After I returned to my seat and began to discuss with your presentation and with David (of Ultimart Convention ). Then we "greaves friendship" with a vigil, watching that very nice. I also solved the evening ...^^
After about 20 minutes waiting Taylor finally arrives. Personally, I have not seen (and yeah, too small, the Taylor ... x /). Autographs beginning, stress goes up, and I ask lots of questions: "What will I tell him? I show him my picture? What I make him sign? Is' Beau Papa is there? "P Meliko we take a picture while waiting.

I'm in front of the store entrance, poster in hand. The vigils to warn us before entering the shop "No pictures, no camera," I ask them if I can get my laptop just to show Taylor the picture I took with him last November. And the security guards tell me that nothing is accepted. Too bad ... I
so falls in the store, and only then did I see it. Standing behind a counter, dressed in his traditional leather jacket, underneath a t-shirt. My pulse begins to accelerate as and when people go by. I notice the bodyguard next to him. Taylor smiles at fans who spend each ... the famous smile, Colgate extra-white white + '! xD
The person before me got his autograph and hand, I head to Taylor when I take the stand in my bag and almost fell. Fortunately nobody saw me lol
Me: "I'm good Hiiiiii, and you?"
Taylor: "Happy to be here!" The
he takes the post Ambassador Star 'gives me the sign and I smiled (his teeth dazzled me lol). There I showed him the drawing of Mystik Malice (Whatever the TA offered me for my birthday!)
Me: Can you sign this please? It's my friend Who designed it. (The I show Alice).
Taylor: "Woaah, it's amazing!" He
sign .. gives me the poster
Me: Thank you Taylor, you're amazing, I'll See You At The Party? "
The Taylor raises two eyebrows, which means that it is happy (Yes Taylor I know by heart! : P)
Taylor: "You'll Be At The Party? Perfect! I'll see you!"
Me: Yes! See ya, Bye!
Taylor: Bye Bye!
I go, I agree with TA, we share our opinions, then we think because we were-all agree on that Above: "It is troooooop beaaaaauuuu!" "Oh, the smile he has ..." .... (You can imagine the stuff lol)
We tell our stories, you get caught in photo Ultimart. As we were a large group AC has attracted the attention of the camera and Diary came to film us then I took the post Taylor autographed I hid with and I did "Naaaan! Not the big newspaper "(unfortunately, we see we hide in the Petit Journal People Yann Barthes and Meliko even been interviewed, we see a few seconds into the show ... haha)
After photos, and debriefing ... we expect that Taylor appears. Ca jostling, pushing it reappears when Taylor and sign some autographs. It's a little round the gates, he meets the camera's Diary who asks him to say the famous "Hello Diary." Taylor tried it, but said that "Hello ... Something Else. "He goes in front of us, and sign the poster of Aurelia (who did not ask xD) and then leaves us with a gratifying" Thank You guys. Thanks for coming "
It was about 15:45, when we decided to leave. I followed with Aurélie ROC to file our affairs at home.
22H is about when you get on the France-America, the place of the evening. Obviously, we're late (not our fault, it's the subway! XD) I think It has a half hour to find the room ... we met a young journalist, who told us the way and that we even wanted to move his wrist Black 'journalist' in order to enter the VIP room. Unfortunately, I failed to remove it xD But it was nice of him .. ^ ^
The France-America is a place really beautiful outside as inside I'm not talking about the buffet, a true delight! Too bad that my mind was more in fashion "Where is Taylor? "I could take some pictures! There was a room with a stage or produced few artists left the VIP room, where one saw anything (I've heard that even if you were a VIP you had no right to "look" Taylor, who was himself, in an area surrounded by strings ... If this is not sequestration that ... Anyway, in a small room located on the right, I meet Leila, Lozi, David, Mollie and other fans, in another corner reserved the "Regulars," with whom I chatting for 5-10 minutes. In this room, there were many activities: a game "Rock Band" Besides, nobody was dropped from the evening ^ ^, a booth where you could make you make up and hair, there was also a photographer who was taking pictures of you and you could then print them for free, with the phrase " In the presence of Taylor Lautner "Hmm ...
The moment arrives. While we were almost all in the main room, Taylor takes the stage ... well I would say more 'was carried by his guards, who was really mad. As can be seen on my 2 videos, Taylor did not talk much ... this has worthwhile to bring him ... When he left the scene, Taylor went to
While we descended toward the exit, I meet our vigil of the autograph session, with whom I began to chat for very long. Taylor, his work, he met other stars (Leonardo DiCaprio He met ARRF! XD) He enjoyed making comparisons with the stars he has met. The way he spoke to Taylor, we understood that he did not really liked ... well it was his staff that he did not. When we got confirmation that Taylor was indeed party we left the room (around 23.30). Aurélie & I went to his hotel (And yes, we do not give the matter) until 1am ... Taylor had little good to sleep after the porters therefore, are returnees 'we' (ROC finally home: P).
I'll spare you the details of our long walk back (up to Châtelet Odeon, it's been a long walk anyway ... especially when one takes the wrong way). I do not even know what time it was when we arrived at ROC ...
Because we are not satisfied, we decided to return to the hotel the next day (at 8:00) so maybe have an opportunity to meet Taylor when he leaves the Plazza .
Alarm hard April 9 (Happy B-Day Kristen!) At 7am to go to the foot crane outside the hotel. Turning on the street Plazza , we meet four fans who flew off towards the subway. Aurélie fans knew that, they were welcomed and then we installed outside the hotel. It was about 8:20 when we decided to go see the porters and ask them (Aurélie thought we had missed because she crossed his "homies" who left) and the big blow of the porter.
"I am sorry girls, but he went there not even 10 minutes ... He was very courteous with 4 fans right there. He signed autographs and took lots of photos, I never saw that. Sorry, this is not for you to hurt ... "
Needless to describe what I felt after that .. miss it enough? 3 minutes ? C'aa been 'the thing too, all his months of stress / anger because of this contest ...
shot, we headed to Orly. Aurélie had to fly to Nice at 10:45 for a large part of the way ... not a word ...
Arrivals at Orly (after having paid 7 € SNCF .. grrr!) when we look even if there is a flight to Madrid. There were 2, which was delayed and another for 11.15. Aurélie was going to Orly East , flights to Madrid were Orly West . I do not remember how many round trips were made between the 2 'terminal' (When I say that we did not loose the case xD). While there was enthusiasm to see if there was not a Daddy D. in the area (he's always that first comment: P) we see the staff of ads that seemed to be pressed. We waited, waited, but they expected someone else ... Alone!
So we ran to the record for poor .. Nice Aurélie who nearly missed his plane ... xD
Then we left and I went home (Go, another 7 € has cost me dear .. this coming from Taylor xD)
Hopefully the next will be good!