The company Merlin changes the
When my hypothetical future in-laws gave me the extension The company Merlin for my 25 years I told myself: "Ouuaah, they are rich!" However, after the surprise came the questions: What was hiding behind it so much kindness? It is not their kind ... Am I doing something they dislike, what is it now a poisoned chalice? Well as you advertise on, this extension brings a real touch of freshness to the original game Knights of the Round Table . After reading the feedback from players and Tric Trac express the opinion Fever Game , it does not I could not wait to test the extension. Yet today I decided to bring 2 large boxes of play at my boyfriend Thibault and locate and Jeanjean and Erwan, good knowledge. I had already opened the box of the extension and sincerely confess to have been very disappointed by the amount of material: 2 figures, 2 decks, 1 Orange, a few new coats of arms and a ruler. Recognize that it is expensive paid
extension for 25 € at the corner of the game not? Fortunately they had offered me, I repeated endlessly ...
As we know well original game, a simple reading of the rules of the extension allowed us to play fast because very few rules were added / changed in the end:
- Merlin helps us now on quests where he is now giving us the opportunity to draw a free rein,
- If the quest is where it is completed, a catapult is no longer automatically added to the castle ramparts,
- New white cards to the powers sympathetic
- Travel is subject to travel cards (nothing too serious at first sight),
- New maps black are present with the 7 Witches particular
- And new building emblazoned with really useful unlike some of the original game.
These few lines are enough to roughly summarize the rules of the extension. If you want to read them in detail, click the following link
the publisher's site Days Of Wonder. The party could then begin, we distributable 4 cards "Loyal" to 1 card "Traitor" to leave some doubt on the fact whether or not a felon. I will not here a full account of the game because it would be too boring and useless, for cons, I'll discuss a few scenes the party was and remains memorable.
Early in the game, numerous maps Excalibur fell and it was Erwan, aka Sir Ducon, who undertook to go procrastinate this quest was not a priority for us early in the game. I can not describe how he played because I suspected from the outset to be a felon. It's a little problem in this game if you play like a dick, it is believed right away that you are the traitor. In Erwan unfortunately, the players had this feeling quite often, so it's not on this game only. Meanwhile, Thibault decided only with some confidence to get the famous "Armor of Lancelot." Quests chained themselves pretty well, we do not blindions catapults, we managed to recover Excalibur, to push the "Saxons" thanks to a stunning card management on the part of King Arthur (me) and insidiously cards "Grail" was growing, the special black cards "Witches" started to seriously slow the progression of the property.
Then everything began to swing, Thibault made a mistake that cost him the loss of confidence of King Arthur (me). He had previously mentioned that he had several cards "Merlin" and when necessary deal with a special black card, he told us that he had only one! Why had he lied? Why us? Yet he was the one in whom I did trust the most. My kingdom began to fall ...
Thibault we had not lied because he was a felon, but because he wanted to keep this one for a future blow. Meanwhile, I noticed that my last few laps Jeanjean had done little to help and had its four points thanks to the bravery cards "Piety" and I made him think. To my surprise he took it badly and I was obliged to order him to come here help fight the Saxons, who were continually attacking us by sea, so he draws the card "Voyage" "Vision". He was then forced to go to the Grail, a quest that we had fought hard to avoid losing and that we had stopped momentarily to take care of those pesky Saxons. And then he made the most disingenuous thing that can be in this game! It turned out to be the traitor! We had then we discard each 2 white cards. And things do not contrived ... Sir Ducon, aka Erwan, was captured during one of his trips. I made the decision with Thibault not to rescue the time that we can finish a quest.
was too late, he remained loyal to the Knights a miserable point of bravery, 0-1 white card in hand, the holy grail eluded us completely, the catapults were many, too many. The twist of fate would have it, this is Morgan, a special black card that we killed him. My proud knights and myself had succumbed to the guile of Scapin, uh Jeanjean.
In conclusion, I Kiffe Grave his Momma. Maps "Travels" is a real benefit to the game that became much too mechanical and computer. The new shields are simply carrying new powers really nice. The new black cards "Witches" tear. One might regret that the felon really plays in his corner and did not have the same feelings as the loyal knights but also thanks to him that this game is one of my favorites. Pending test
Pandemic and
Red November and replay
Ghost Stories soon, I hope you enjoy this extension as much as we did on this afternoon.
Information Sheet The company Merlin
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