First, we must know that my knowledge of the play now: Jeanjean, Erwan and not necessarily inhabit Thibault close to home as you can see on the next card. This is due to removal and accommodation of many of us and unfortunately we can not do much about. As most would say cons (old), that's life! Brief comment in passing: The idiot at the bottom is me.
Can we say that a relationship is more fun to be a loving relationship and the distance we necessarily pushes us away. I do not know. I always see them but more for our afternoon games: this is now the evening with friends at lunch break through moments of jouyage guitar. It shame because the game was really the way we meet all together and well messing around for hours. Do I sound like a woman? Yes!
In addition to the distance, we feel that it's different: John Steevy not talk to because he has not digested the fact that he has cheated with Gwen. Yet nothing she could do better. What would you do that for him? It was here or graft a third nipple. Fortunately it still does not know that John is her brother germain ... Hopefully Steevy not say anything because it will affect our more afternoon games. All that
to say that there is something else. Time! But yes, it's here! We have more time. The excuse of time! It is the sort regularly and I admit that now control a lot. We would all agree that when you want, we can! We always have a max of excuses: the girlfriend (wife to some of you), travel, fatigue, stress, family meals, bonds incongruous, etc.. Why?
Is this the vintage game from 2008 that has overdosed? It is true that after the show Essen 08 , it has taken some time to unwind and to enjoy playing again. We purchased a reasonable but certainly not negligible amount of games and I could not play any of them. Yes, yes, I said no. The Loose ...
You wonder then what I gland when I do not play. This is not your onions! Doin what I want.
PS: This article is only meant to let off steam and be able to read it in a few years and smile.
PPS: That does not mean I stop P & J. I will continue to comment on the news of the fun time when I will not have sudden attacks stomach.
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