Saturday, March 5, 2011

Adult Pajamas Pokemon

Science, a trick of chicks

Thursday evening was held the ceremony for the price For Women in Science, awarded by UNESCO and L'Oreal foundation. A great opportunity to remember that science is not a trick guys.

Five winners, one for each continent, and ten stock exchanges have been honored by the award to women and science, for this 13th edition focuses on the environment. The winners were rewarded for their journey and their scientific discoveries, scholars, younger, often doctoral students, saw their work recognized and encouraged. Wednesday morning, these women (except the U.S. winner) were met for roundtable discussions that allowed them to explain their research, and most importantly, what pushed them to engage in a scientific way.
While some exchanges have undertaken their research out of pure passion, fascination for the ocean or plants, others do science to serve their community and their country. The first fumble, make mistakes and pursue avenues that lead to sometimes unexpected conclusions. The second try at all costs to find a result that is often a solution to a local problem. The winners apply the first procedure in their fields, and find that the whole spirit of the research is there in the capacity to be surprised by reality, which may contradict the postulates and assumptions. The scientific imagine a reality without trying to confirm or disprove his hypotheses. The poetry of reality, according to Boris Cyrulnik, the only man invited to participate in debates.

course, an award reserved for women is an excellent initiative, which emphasizes the importance of women in an area still seen as very masculine. It is just unfortunate that some questions Wednesday morning were never asked of men. It is rare that a man asked how he reconciles a brilliant scientific career with 5 children, right? To believe that even in a meeting purely feminine, it can remind them of exceptional women inevitable condition of mother and wife ...

To discover the work of the winners Anne Huille (Europe), Faiza Al-Kharafi (Africa and Arab States), Vivian Wing-Wah Yam (Asia / Pacific), Silvia Torres-Peimbert (Latin America) and Jillian Banfield and the 10 stock, click here .

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