Thursday, June 19, 2008

Can You Travel With Pink Eye

us an eyeful! How to earn

Logo de Repos Prod Provoost Thomas, founder of Rest Prod , nicely spent no less than 6 illustrations of maps for the game Ghost Stories to appear for the show in Essen 2008. These are signed pulp illustrator Pierre Lechevalier aka Pierô , personality who has worked a few games so far. They include Mr. Jack which revealed, but En Garde , Lice and Hurry Cup shortly.

For the record, know that it has insisted that Pierô Rest Prod to illustrate the game initially Antoine Bauza , creator of the game, and publishers had not imagined that they could Pierô Himself propose. In fact, their prototype was made with superb graphics tablet. At a party, Piero had the opportunity to play and it was love at first sight for this game, so he hastened to contact Repos Prod for "begging" to make illustrations of the game publisher well packaged by the idea that either Piero, expressed reservations about the price it would bring. He sent them in the week that followed an illustration of a Geisha (the first image we have seen). Bing, bang, bang! Prod signed and rest our poor Pierô now working very hard every day to finish the illustrations for the game in October 2008.


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